Subsea high-pressure drilling riser systems

Complete seabed-to-surface packages with a proven track record of safe, efficient, and reliable performance internationally.


Advanced subsea riser systems and products

We are at the forefront of system advances as we design, make and install high pressure, full bore riser systems for clients in energy regions internationally. As an oil and gas equipment manufacturing company, our complete solutions encompass every facet of riser development and deployment. We are more than a provider of hardware: we are primed to engage with you from the planning phases right through to offshore implementation, to provide a complete service. Our systems are long proven in subsea drilling and completion programmes as well as in support for subsea workovers and jack-up based decommissioning scopes.

The benefits of our systems include:

  • A single vendor arrangement, with reduced supply chain
  • A complete, managed end-to-end service offering greater cost savings and efficiencies
  • Expert engineering
  • Suitable for 135/8‘ and 183/4‘ subsea wellheads and trees
  • 5,000, 10,000 and 15,000 PSI rated
  • Big-bore to prevent running clearance issues
  • Suitable for HPHT wells
  • Reduced installation time due to our proprietary AQC connectors
  • Solutions for subsea drilling and completion, subsea workovers and jack-up based decommissioning

Our subsea high-pressure drilling riser systems have been designed to work in conjunction with our proprietary AQC-SR connectors. The AQC-SR enables fast and efficient rig make-up, with no loose parts. They are inspectable, repairable and replaceable – offering long life and repeat make and break and crucially a means of reliable and repeatable make/break gas tight connection with back-up sealing.

Aquaterra Energy’s AQC-SR has been intelligently engineered and manufactured in strict accordance with ISO13628-7 2006, with a qualification process involving fatigue resonance testing, drive-bolt back-off, combined loading to destruction and vibration resistance testing. We are wholly committed to compliance, quality, health and safety. 

We offer a wide range of connector options to support your subsea or surface riser system operations.

A demonstration of our subsea HP drilling riser system and AQC connector range

Supporting industry decarbonisation goals with efficient systems

Our Subsea high-pressure riser systems enable subsea wells to be drilled efficiently using a jack-up rig, therefore bringing enhanced project efficiency and emission savings, compared to when using a semi-sub.

Semi-sub rigs can suffer more downtime in poor weather conditions and are estimated to take up to 20% more time to complete the same operation, when compared to using a jack-up rig with a subsea riser system. Semi-sub rigs have higher energy consumption, due to the need to be dynamically positioned in place over the well.

Using performance data from a mid-range semi-sub and mid-range jack-up rig, we anticipate that our subsea riser systems, when used with a jack-up rig, can create project savings of 13.44 tonnes of CO2e per day.

Aquaterra Energy brings to bear the industry’s best engineering, project and offshore teams to make your project a success, maximising safety and efficiency while minimising cost and rig-time.

OEM AQC Connector range

Our Aquaterra Quick Connect (AQC) technology offers fast and efficient rig make-up, with no loose parts and gas tight sealing technology.

Our range of Aquaterra Energy AQC designed and manufactured riser system connectors include:

We supply fully integrated system packages to inspire confidence in your operations. Get in touch with our expert team to find out how we can help you.


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